Chelmsford Acupuncture Clinic has been offering its services in Chelmsford for over 20 years. Over that time it has built a reputation for a high quality of care and attention to detail.
Recently having relocated to new premises in the very heart of the city, just a stone's throw from the Cathedral, our aim is to provide the best possible service to each client and facilitate a result in line with their expectations.
Acupuncture is a system of healing, or promoting healing, which has been practised in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years. Although often held in high regard for its use in controlling pain, it is used to treat a wide range of conditions. Its focus being on improving the overall well-being of patients rather than the treatment of isolated symptoms.
According to traditional Chinese philosophy our body's health is dependent on the smooth flow of motivating energy, often referred to as Qi. When this energy movement is disrupted disharmony occurs within the body. By inserting and stimulating fine needles into specific acupuncture points the movement of energy can be restored in the channels/meridians allowing the body's healing response to restore balance.
The principal aim of any acupuncture treatment is to restore balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual.
People can use acupuncture for a specific problem; to gain a sense of well being or maintain their health as a preventive measure.
Because traditional acupuncture aims to treat the whole person rather than symptoms in isolation, it can be effective for a broad range of conditions, though treatment can be focused on a specific area of the body if needed.
Remember that acupuncturists treat the person, not just the condition, so each patient’s treatment plan will be different. However, you can always ask your practitioner about other patients’ experiences, to give you an idea of what to expect. Many people return to acupuncture again and again because they find it so beneficial and relaxing.
People come to Acupuncture for many different reasons. These range from the emotional distress of anxiety and depression to the physical pain of arthritis and back problems. As treatment is always individual, your specific condion/symptoms should be discussed with a practitioner rather than looking at a list of conditions. Treatment can be carried out during pregnancy, however some acupuncture points will be avoided.